USB CD Transports

I'm interested in purchasing a CD transport with USB output. Schiit has just released their URD transport, has anybody compared this to the Shanling ET3 transport with USB output?


I love the thought of owning the CEC, Jay's Audio, Aurender or other higher-end transport or player. For now, I am enjoying my under-$800.00 Shanling. I think the music I am hearing feels somehow "lighter"; maybe more airy or quicker. Yet there's a full, tight bass and a very smooth midrange. Not tube-like, certainly, but no harsh or sharp edges to vocals or acoustic instruments. I hesitate to say the PRaT are better than the ROTEL because I have yet to pull out my reference CDs and give an extended critical listen. I know the ET3 is a compromise but hey...I bought it just to see if it would be a fun new toy to play with as a substitute for the still-unavailable Pro-Ject transport. And it is. So I have no doubt that the high end transports would do a better job of reproducing my music. I just can't afford to go any higher right now.

I never meant to hijack the thread or doubt the knowledge or judgment of others. I know that we all have our opinions and levels of comfort with the hobby. But I do think that we ignore the bespoke technologies at times when they still have something to offer.

@michaelmshaw - Did you receive your I2S cable yet? If so, did you notice any differences and/or improvements with the Shanling transport?

I have the cable, but haven't tried it yet. We just moved into a new house and unpacking is taking priority. In a few days maybe.

Congrats on your move. Will look forward to your update re the results from the I2S cable.

Looking forward to reading about listening comparisons between the ET3 and URD.