USB cable hype

Can someone explain the need for expensive USB cables for short runs? The only parameter of concern is impedance. I personally have verified error-free transmission in the Gbps range regardless of cable make/model as long as the cable length is short. There is no magic. It is just about impedance control to minimize loss and jitter. This is inexpensive in the MHz range. I will pay more for a cable that it is well built. I will not pay more for hocus pocus.

Showing 1 response by lse

I have two extra pair of Wireworld Starlight and one Pangea AG USB cable. I cannot tell the difference between these and the basic monoprice cables except that the more expensive ones seem more sturdy. Sound-wise, not a whit of difference. I wish I were able to so I didn't feel dumb spending money for what is basically a give away item.