USA - Europe Duties

There are several nice US audio components (namely cables) whithout dealers in Europe. The solution is buying from the manufacturer. Payment is no problem. Shipping is no problem either. My concern is duties... Is there any way to "solve" this problem? The only solution I know is to ask the manufacturer to declare a (much) minor price. Any other way?

Showing 2 responses by gregm

Doug28450, with all due respect, duties and VAT in the European Union are NOT "a relatively small portion of the total cost". They can easily reach 25-30% of the price declared (it's happened to me..). That's probably what is referring to. I wholeheartedly agree with you if it were for a few $.
Hi Doug, no problem... A word of caution regarding declarations: packages are INSURED on declared price. If (God forbid!) a package is lost, claims apply on declared price only!