Urgent Help: Wire for dedicated lines???

The electrician just came to my house this morning and he said that running Romex wire in a conduit is against the code. So, what's wire should I use? Do you know any better wire than Romex that can run in the conduit?

Showing 2 responses by ctyler

If you run it through a power conditioner, which all us Audiophiles do...right??, twisting the wire etc..should be a moot point.

I also don't see the point in twisting the hot, nuetral and ground together other than to keep them together. This is not a data cable and twisting it will not eliminate the hash noise off the AC or do anything to correct the PF.

Perhaps there is another reason for doing it?
Bob- I did not post any misinformation. Twisting the AC wires did not get rid of noise that was already there that I could see. We did this when I was in school years ago and
did not see a noticable difference.

Could this help eliminate further EMI and RFI? Maybe I don't know. I'll be the first to admit I don't know it all, hence the reason for my question at the end.