Upside-Down IEC Adaptor?

Just as bread always falls butter-side down, It seems that my power cords always end up with the IEC the wrong way and you have to go through all sorts of BS to get it routed with minimum tension on the cord.  I haven't seen one, but I think it would be a good idea if there were a high-quality IEC adaptor that just reversed the plug - turned it upside-down.  Is there anything like this?  I think it would be helpful to a lot of people.  I know audiophiles hate adaptors, but I think it's better than having your cables and connections so stressed.  Yes, I know it's better to use proper routing, but many of us have tight spaces, even for relatively flexible cords.  Be well. 

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Audiogon trivia: Which member say's (?), Everything's topsy turvy. Me topsy, you turvy".