Upscale VCR component out?

With all these new upscaling recievers-can you upscale a VCR thru component output or does that only happen thru HDMI?

Showing 1 response by blindjim

VHS recorded at 240-270 lines of horizontal resolution. S VHS faired a bit better adding to those numbers.

Unless your receiver can upscale the VHS' output, I know of none that will. Component cables inherently don't allow for upscaling, as a measure for copyright protection.

Upscaling today from SD to HD usually is via HDMI. Again, more Hollywood copyright protection, for them, not your own media.

I did hear of some digital VCRs a couple years ago... They may still be in production if you are seeking removable media recording... otherwise join the heard and get a DVR w/DVD recorder.

VHS' run is over now. Save for personal well (temp & humid controlled) kept personal media.

DVD recorders abound. Even your pc is one. I'd look there for future archiving... not to VHS... and I've got a couple hundred VHS, myself. I keep one around simply for the occasional playback.