Upsampling disadvantges, mutliplying the mistakes??

I am not a real technical guy, but I understand the logic behind upsampling. Today I talked to somebody who said upsampling to 96 or even 192 is crap because you are also multiplying the mistakes of a CD.
Can someone give me a bit more insight please?

Showing 1 response by sattothestars

Well I did not go quite that far,by saying it is crap,but PCM is a flawed technology,and by upsampling you are also taking the errors,and the good and upsampling.Other than some very expensive upsampling DACs(Purcell and one there brand I cannot remember)upsampling is more of a manufacturers hype.Of course you will find those who dissagree and swear it sounds better.Yet I see so many inexpensive pieces(upsampling DACS) on sale on this site,I really have to wonder whether other people have found it really isn't all it is cracked up to be.Let your ears be the judge.