
What’s the purpose of upsampling DACs?


Showing 1 response by lordrootman

Thanks for great responses I’m learning something new 
I have Cambridge Azur 851N is upsampling 
I stream from tidal Qobuz and Spotify 320kb 
the fact is when I stream 16/44.1 on both tidal and Qobuz vs Spotify 320kb same original recorded music / version can’t tell the difference 
I can easily see the difference in 24/96 ,24/192 and MQA  but not on 16/44 vs 320kb
 is because of upsampling? my system includes Klipsch KLF 30 Parasound A21+ Michi P5 preamplifier Parasound P6 Sony Z1 a pair of SVS SB16 ultra and PC13 ultra and MacBook Pro thanks