UPS Shipping/Damage Claim policy experience

For your general information:

I made a claim to UPS regarding an item bought through A'gon. It arrived in what I call 4/10 condition; the shipper (a newbie) says he sent it in 8/10 condition.

I made a claim to UPS, preferring to believe the shipper that the item arrived damaged.

Apparently, in the eyes of UPS the machine still belongs to the shipper and will only pay him. Moreover, they refuse to have any scale for damage. If you send it to them as damaged, you better consider it totaled since you are unlikely to see it again.

In my case it would have been better to pay to have it repaired independently; it would have been more money out of my pocket, but I feel I would get a semblance of what I paid for. Now I may not get the item back and the shipper will end up with my money twice!!!

Hope this never happens to you, but beware of who you choose to ship with. For me, it's now always going to be the USPS.

Showing 1 response by traudio

I have had claims with both UPS & FedEx last year which were both eventually resolved.

FedEx wins the award for the most careless handling of a package EVER!
I shipped a pair of VonSchweikert VR4JR speakers last summer.
If you've ever seen VSR packaging you know it's some of the best. Thick foam, surrounded by a wooden crate, surrounded by a cardboard box.

FedEx managed to destroy one of the of the speakers!
This really took some effort, it couldn't have been just a simple drop. The damage was so severe it must have have been deliberate.

The claim process wasn't great either, couldn't get anyone to talk to me. They settled with the receiver directly and didn't really involve me.
Thought they should have.