Upgrading to a powerful HP amp, unsure about my power gear.

Hi all, in the next few days I'll be getting a very powerful HP amp, the Viva Egoista 845, which generates up to 15 W per channel. Right now my audio gear is powered by some mid-level Pangea cables connected to a Niagara 1200, which is itself connected to a NRG-Z3 cable to the wall. Everything works and sounds fine, but since I'm moving to such a high end amp I'm wondering if I should rethink my power setup. 

First off, should I consider a much higher priced power regenerator? Or is it better to keep the Niagara for all my other gear and then plug in the new amp directly into the wall using a good quality power cable? My place has decently clean energy, and also I'm worried about killing the dynamics of the amp by inserting a power regenerator behind it. 

Also, since this amp generates a lot of heat, I'm planning to put it somewhat further away from my listening station, and powering it on/off via the main switch will be a little more difficult. I've seen that the PS Audio Powerplant units have a remote on/off function. Would I be able to plug the amp in a Powerplant and then turn it on and off using the Powerplant's remote? Or would that damage the amp?

Would love to get some advice on this. Thanks!


Showing 6 responses by txenakis

I did consider a streamer but the Holo May has a stellar USB input and also that I can output upsampled music straight from my PC through HQPlayer and it sounds great. So I havent found the need for one yet.

Any other tips on power, and also on if it's possible to remotely turn the amp on and off?


Thanks for all the answers. The rest of my chain is: Dedicated PC - Holo Audio May KTE - amp - Susvara headphones.

So I'm pretty set with the actual chain and dont think I need to upgrade any other part, except the power...

It's definitely a beautiful, powerful and very unique amp, that will handle literally anything you throw at it. Especially if you go through the trouble and expense of upgrading the tubes and feed it a high end source, you will not be disappointed, the sound is insane;y good. However, I decided to sell it eventually, for two reasons. First, it's a massive and very hot running amp. I have my gear close to my listening station and that was an issue when using it for prolonged periods. Second, while probably the most beautifully designed amp I've ever owned, it's not the most user friendly. For example, you have to turn it on in two stages, with a recommended 2 min waiting period between them for the tubes to warm up etc. 

So in the end I sold it and got a Riviera AIC10. Same level sonic quality, but in a more user friendly and cool running package. 

Hope this helps!!

The AIC10 is a tiny bit colored but not any more so than the Egoista (ie in a good, subtle way). Plus you only have one tube to change and you can shape the sound any way you choose.

As for the 465 I've never heard it as they're so rare. But I've heard great things from people who own it, it's basically at the same level as the Riviera and the Viva. At that insanely high level it's more a question of preference than any of them being better.

One thing the AIC10 has the Mass Kobo doesn't is that it can drive certain loudspeakers on top of HPs. As a matter of fact I use it just like that, with Susvaras and Spatial Audio X3s, and it sounds equally brilliant with both. So convenient...