Upgrading to a Hegel H590

My current system for the past few years has been great so far..

Macbook USB to a $150 Audio Engine D1 DAC going directly to a $600 used Parasound A23 going to used $600 Kef LS50’s, $100 Transparent speaker cables and cheap USB and RCA cables.

That’s good enough to hear the difference between 44k and hi-res and also good enough to hear the difference between MQA and hi-res.

I’ve been lusting after a better experience after checking out the Parasound Hint 6 as a replacement for the above. (it was significantly better). Well, after a couple of months of manic youtubing and reading reviews etc. I slowly kept finding something better than the last thing I saw. So I splurged and got what I think will keep me satisfied for years to come and not continually hunting for something better. Famous last words I guess.

Just got a new H590. Haven’t opened it yet. But can’t wait to start experimenting and comparing with my old stuff. I also have Kef R500s and better cables.

I suspect the next thing will be looking for is better speakers; both floor standers and desktops

I’ll try to post observations here later

Showing 2 responses by snackeyp

Alan Shaw, owner and design guru for Harbeth Speakers, says the H590 is his amp of choice for listening to his speakers.  
It's because of his recommendation that I really want to hear this amp with my Harbeths.  
At any rate, you should look into the alleged magic produced with these two brands.  You might be amazed.  
I recently bought the H590 to match with my Harbeth 40.2 Anniversary speakers and am extremely happy with this combo.  I've heard several amps with these speakers and this is the most satisfying combo to my ears.  There are many other great amps out there and it's true that the best one is the one that sounds best to YOU, but there is no substitute for amperage when it comes to finding the best sound.  The H590 has power in abundance.