Upgrading speakers...Legacy Focus 20/20???

I want to hear as many opinions on Legacy Focus 20/20 as possible. I listen mostly to rock, blues, some jazz/fusion.
e.g. Dream Theater, Allman Bros, Jon Butcher, Liquid Soul. I am actually home demo'ing a pair of 20/20 right now for two weeks, but they are not broken in yet. My setup...speakers about 11' apart, 22" from rear & side walls(I know, not good), listening position about 11' from speakers, 10' high ceiling. My gear...Audio Research SP16L, Pioneer Elite pd-65, Aragon 8008bb on woof's, Manley Neo-Classic 250's on mid's/tweet's, PSB Stratus Gold's(not i's), Nordost Blue Heaven interconnects, Harmonic Tech's Fantasy speaker cables. I have loved my Gold's for seven years, but as my income increase's over the years... So far I'm pretty impressed with the 20/20's, the bass slam is really something(albeit a little boomy due to placement) and the soundstage is quite a bit larger than the Gold's. But at this price point, $6,800 in cherry, I'm not 100% convinced yet. And again, keeping in mind that the Foci are not broken in yet. Also, Phoenix area lacking wide selection of higher-end audio at this time.
Let me hear from 'ya...Thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by 1markr

Having had both, the Legacies (non 20/20) and the VR-4 III HSEs, I can tell you that the VR-4s portrayed a better, faster bass, and had a better midrange. The highs on both speakers were very good. The Legacies look much better, and have a better build quality, imo.

Sonically, I preferred the VR-4s over the Focus for the above reasons, and the fact that the VR-4s had a more natural presentation of the music, venue, etc.