New ones much better jump on them now!!
Upgrading Sonus Faber Cremona M - Elipsa SE
I currently own The Cremona M's and am thinking of upgrading to The Elipsa SE. I have heard The Elipsa's, not the SE but have not had the opportunity to A-B with The Cremona's side by side.
Does anyone have experience with both?
Is it a significant upgrade in your opinion?
Is it worth the additional cost?
Any feedback will be appreciated.
I currently own The Cremona M's and am thinking of upgrading to The Elipsa SE. I have heard The Elipsa's, not the SE but have not had the opportunity to A-B with The Cremona's side by side.
Does anyone have experience with both?
Is it a significant upgrade in your opinion?
Is it worth the additional cost?
Any feedback will be appreciated.