Upgrading phono stage

Hello all,

I have a modest system that I have been adding and changing in small increments. I am using a Rogue Audio Sphinx V2. I love the sound of this integrated especially for the money. I am wondering how much I have to spend on a seperate phono stage to get a marked improvement from the built in. I have read that many think the built in phono stage for the Sphinx is quite good. I have zero experience with outboard phono stages. The prices are all over the place and I would like to spend under a $1000 but if that is not enough to make a big change then I will wait and go bigger in the future. I am using a Ortofon 2M Blue at the moment.

Thank you

Showing 1 response by rmdmoore

I agree with everyone that says an outboard phono stage will make a huge difference. If you have 2500 to spend you can go pretty far actually. You can get a musical surroundings Nova III for 1500 or so new or closer to 1k used. If you really wanna step it up get the linear power supply for 600 or so more. That still leaves you up to 1k for a cartridge and you can get a lot for that. Could try a Hana MC in the 500-1k range. You'd be all in for 2500 and it will blow your mind. More detail, better soundstage. You'll be amazed.