Upgrading my SET amplifiers?

I am very happy with my Wright Sound 3.5/Lamhorn/Lowther EX 4 combo, but I know that the amps can be improved. I was looking for a Berning Siegfried, but nobody wants to sell this amp used and new is not longer available. I’ve read good things about Art Audio, Wavelength, Exemplar and the like, but I want to know from people who actually own those amplifiers or other very good SET amplifiers. I am willing to spend $ 3,000 / 4,000 in this upgrade. If possible, I prefer to buy used. Your help is greatly appreciated. Pablo.
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Showing 2 responses by donroth

Hello Pablo:

What frequency are you crossing over at between the sub and the Lams?

I recently visited the RL Acoustique website. Robert has not updated it in 4 years!? It is the same as when I visited in 2002. I was looking out of curiousity for the new speaker you had mentioned he was developing.


Hi Pablo:

I am happy you are enjoying the LamHorns. Indeed they are incredible. I never heard them as fine as the day you were over.

I am adjusting to the Maggie 1.6qr. At ~ 1K, they are quite good with the Scott. I don't do much listening once the nice weather rolls around. One absolutely drastic difference between the Lamhorns and the Maggies are the dynamics, especially at modest volume levels. The Lamhorns with my AER even at low volume could give you that sense of dynamics and thus realism that I have never heard before from any speaker. In a year from now if my job situation is settled, who knows I might be back in the market for a pair. For now, though I have to say for the type of listening I do, and at the price, I am happy.

Are you using the subwoofer with the Lamhorns and if so, how well is it integrating?

