Upgrading my SET amplifiers?

I am very happy with my Wright Sound 3.5/Lamhorn/Lowther EX 4 combo, but I know that the amps can be improved. I was looking for a Berning Siegfried, but nobody wants to sell this amp used and new is not longer available. I’ve read good things about Art Audio, Wavelength, Exemplar and the like, but I want to know from people who actually own those amplifiers or other very good SET amplifiers. I am willing to spend $ 3,000 / 4,000 in this upgrade. If possible, I prefer to buy used. Your help is greatly appreciated. Pablo.
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Showing 3 responses by boa2

My parents used to live in Palermo (BA), so I know Argentina pretty well.

I'm glad you understood where I was coming from. I was speaking less about the ranking of equipment, and more about the potential downside of tweaking your current state of contentment.

You could very well find something else out there that pleases you even more than the Wright's. As Skushino said, check the SET asylum for some ideas. You might take a drive up to NYC as well, as there are many different amps you could audition there.

I don't know what your source is, but after what we've been through with our system, I'm a firm believer in the crucial importance of the source. The band sounds only as good as its conductor, IMO.

Very nice setup, Pablo.
When I spoke of the source, I meant the CD player and/or turntable. Upgrading the source has had the most significant effect on the music in my experience. The amps, speakers, and cables can only work with what they're given. That's where I would spend my money first, FWIW, on the source equipment.
If you are very happy with your Wright's, I might suggest that you keep them until you're certain that your next amp purchase is indeed an upgrade for you. I've not heard everything on the market, but I have heard SET amps costing as much as $18K that did not strike the tonal purity of the Wright's. Have you tried some different tubes as well? That can dramatically alter the sound of those amps. I've re-tubed my Wright's with 1950s Russian 2A3's and 6SN7's, and they sound extraordinary. They are still the most honest amplifiers that I've heard.

I'm not suggesting that you won't find something even more satisfying out there (you very well could), only that you might want to hold onto "I am very happy..." until you know for sure that something else doesn't end up spoiling your fun. Just a thought, FWIW.

By the way, where are you from in Argentina? Do you live there still?