Upgrading Music Hall 2.2 tone arm.

Years ago I had a Linn Basik with a Sumiko Blue point. I loved the sound of that deck. I took a break from my audiophile obsession and got back into it about 3 years ago. I now have a Music Hall 2.2 and I really don't like the sound. I'm thinking of upgrading the arm to a Linn Basik arm or maybe a Rega RB250 or RB300. Does this make sense? Would it improve the sound to close to the Linn or sould I continue to hold out to find a Linn that I can afford right now.

You can obtain a substantial increase in performance by adding the Project Speed Box II (as the MMF 2.2 is manufactured in the Project factory and is actually a step between the Debut III and the Xpression III) and the Project acrylic platter upgrade.Also change the cartridge to one that suits your taste. You will be spending about $240 plus the cartridge of your choice. I have done all of the above to mine plus I added a Denon DL160 cartridge. I doubt you can find a better value by trading in, selling or changing the arm. Is it better than a Linn Basic ? my opinion is yes especially so if the Basik is the pre Akito version. Oh, and so you can judge my prejudices you should know that my primary turntable is an LP12 with the Hercules Regulator and a MMT arm.
Thanks guys. I had a feeling that getting a better turntable would be the result.

I'll look into the Herbie mat and see how that shapes up.

And yes the tracker is the stock cartridge and I'm upgrading that also.
Hi, Gerald,

The mmf-2.2 better than a Linn? You should post that over at the Vinyl Asylum. Might be an interesting (and lively) response!


What I wrote was "Better than a "Linn Basik",which is what Roddierod said he had owned in the past not an LP12. Do you know the difference? I also specified the original version Basik with the not so great Basik arm. The Akido version was a substantial improvement. I also mentioned I own an LP12 that is my reference. I was giving my opinion as the best value for the money spent. I currently own and use all of the turntables I mentioned and thus can do side by side comparisons. Challenge Posts like yours' do not offer information or in any way add to knowledge base of the forum. Finally if you have something to say say it here (oh,and I do post on AA under the same moniker)as this the forum and thread where the original question was asked.
