I used Rives and I think the cost was about $2,000 and I received plans with where to place treatments and the type of treatments needed. The plans include schematics of how to build the treatments. Most of the treatments are not complicated and not very expensive to make. The plans will also show you the optimal area to place for your listening position. I am guessing from the description of your room the most complicated ( and perhaps expensive) applications will be dealing with your ceiling.
I am not saying that ASC tube traps will not work but my front LF bass traps are triangular shaped floor to ceiling measuring 24"X24"X34". That is a lot of volume and I do not know if ASC, or others for that matter, have traps that big to absorb the LF needed to treat the room. I also have other traps in back that are curved and use different materials than what was used in front LF traps.
I am not saying that ASC tube traps will not work but my front LF bass traps are triangular shaped floor to ceiling measuring 24"X24"X34". That is a lot of volume and I do not know if ASC, or others for that matter, have traps that big to absorb the LF needed to treat the room. I also have other traps in back that are curved and use different materials than what was used in front LF traps.