Upgrading from Verity Sarastro I to II

Hello my friends,

I own the Sarastro I for the past 1.5 year and I couldnt be more satisfied. Lately I have been thinking of upgrading to Sarastro II. That includes a new tweeter, new internal wiring and a new crossover from mids to the tweeter.

I would be very interested to hear experiences from people that have upgraded their Sarastro (or Lohengrin)!

I am also a bit afraid that sth might go wrong, don't know how much I can trust my dealer's technician.

Thanks in advance,


Showing 4 responses by argyro

John is this your personal preference, or just a general remark? :)

I do not think it is THAT expensive to make the upgrade sth like 3000$ I think.

What makes me wonder is the fact that measurements of I & II are identical in Stereophile, my tweeter (Sarastro I) is considered much better than the one produced by Verity (Sarastro II) and the fact that when I listen to Sarastro II (in different setups though) I can't notice anything that makes them sound that different!

Maybe Verity changed the tweeters to cut down cost?

I am really really curious to hear opinions from people that upgraded their own speakers as I do not think the differences are that big to notice in setups that are not familiar...

Thanks again!
Hi John, no probem at all my friend, all opinions welcome here...:)

You are right, about destroying good sound. As I matter of fact I am only 29 years old, I have been in this hobby since I was 20. And I alweays have in mind what you said (When you reach Nirvana watch out, so that you dont lose it)...And I think I have reached it. You are right, noone can be sure that I will have a better result by changing the tweeter, I am just very curious about the result...

Happy Listening,

Mtdking thats the sort of answer I was waiting for! ;)

Thanks a lot guys!

Greetings from Greece,
