upgrading from McCormack DNA-1 to.....?

hey now folks...

I have a problem w/my current system.
no synergy. None, nada. I'm unhappy w/the sound overall, and it kills me because I have what was my "dream componants" as of a few months ago.

I went from:
Rotel preamp rc-1070
B&K ST-140
Magnepan MMGs

Y-S audio Symphonies tube pre
McCormack DNA-1
Martin Logan SL3s

I'm finding the overall sound just sort of limp in comparrison to my previous setup that I upgraded from. its got a nice soundstage, images like a champ. No punch, no impact and no real warmth like the B&K had (and that was a lesser and older b&k amp).

I'm thinking of selling the McCormack and going back to a B&K amp like a ref200.2 or 2220 or ST-2140. Anything with at least 120wpc from B&K would tickle my fancy again (I think).
Dissapointing...these SL3s are supposed to really shine a light on how your componants sound. I find my system to be dry and un-involving for the most part. I want something a little smoother and detailed.

Seeking suggestions from those of you who have been there, done that.

Or, should I be looking for a tube amp? Some monoblocks?
Anything in the $800 and under range is fair game for my budget. I also need some wattage for these ML's, so anything sub 80w need not apply.


Showing 1 response by gileon

Well, if you want the perspective of a previous McCormack amp owner, I'd say a tube preamp is mandatory, especially an Audible Illusions preamp. I've never heard the Y-S preamp, so can't comment on how that'd mate with McCormack.

Also, the McCormack can be further upgraded by the designer himself to sound even better (stock McCormack's are a tad bright and not so refined for my taste).