Both of these are great cartridges for sure. I have not heard these exact models but I have a Windfeld Ti which is an A95 with cloths and a Lyra Atlas SL. The Ortofon is a fuller, rounder round, the Atlas thinner and seemingly more detailed. I prefer the Atlas for Classical Music and the Ortofon for rock and Jazz. The only other consideration is that you are using a unipivot arm which Lyra (the company) does not like. The Ortofon is a bit more compliant so it is likely to do better in your arm.
Upgrading from Lyra Skala -- Kleos SL or Ortofon A95?
I'm looking to upgrade my Lyra Skala cartridge and I'm considering the Lyra Kleos SL and the Ortofon A95. I'm using a VPI Avenger Reference with VPI's Fatboy arm. I would appreciate any thoughts, especially from someone who has heard both cartridges. Thanks.