Upgrading from andras

The egglestonworks Andra 1 are brilliant speakers.... what have owners upgraded to? Care to share experiences... thks

Showing 1 response by french_fries

I had Andra-1's and upgraded to A-2's, a very worthwhile improvement.  The cabinet's height was raised which got the woofers higher off the floor.  Results- the bass went deeper and the mid bass and mids gained clarity.  The only shortcoming I perceived was NOT the tweeter which was phenomenal- it was a bit of slowness in the midrange drivers compared to newer designs using carbon fiber, etc. I see the Andra-3's now have updated mids so I would have loved to hear them before upgrading to Von Schweikert
speakers.  The VS's are better (VR-9's) and a lot more money, too.
But the main improvement was again more speed and clarity in the midrange drivers.  I also have better bass and the 9's are fully adjustable so you can tailor them to your room.  But... all I really "needed" was the VR-5's which were more than enough speaker for my 14 x 20 room.  Eggleston is still making great speakers and
my choices had to do with getting what was available and something that would be a better version of what I had.