Upgrading form Pass integrated amplifier to a better one


Currently I have a PASS INT-250 integrated amplifier . The Pass INT-250 is a very good integrated (in my system it was overall better than Plinius Hiato, Gamut D150se, Mark Levinson 535, Vitus RI-100,  Accuphase E-470 and some others) but I can't get rid of the feeling that I miss some explosiveness (drum kicks for example) and micro details.

I know that its not the speakers. The new Sonus faber tradition I have are much more open, dynamic and airy than previous Guarneri Evos, Elipasas SE and Amati Anniversarious I used to own. And before buying them I auditioned the Serafinos with Audio Research separates and it was the amazing combo. But I really prefer not to go the separates road ( ICs, power cords and space contribute to financial constrains also) and even so I like the combo of Pass and Serafinos overall but from time to time looking for some better integrated on the market.

Currently I presented with a good opportunity to buy latest Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated or latest just released Accuphase E-650.  No possiblilty to demo them, so I am asking here on the forum if anybody can comment if Gryphon Diablo 300 or Accuphase E-650 will be better integrated than Pass INT250 overall and especially in terms of dynamics, micro details and harmonics.

Any advise and opinion would be very appreciated.

My system: Esoteric K-05x, Pass INT-250, Sonus Faber Serafinos, all cabling are the Shunyata Sigmas.

Room is 12" wide by 17" long. Listen mostly acoustic jazz and chamber classical on low to moderate levels.

Thank you.


Showing 6 responses by audiotroy

There are two products from T+A of Germany that might fill the bill nicely.

The first is a $11k integrated amplifier from the R series.

Musicfx bought one of these and he had compared the T+A to a comparably priced Pass labs integrated and he ultimately purchased the T+A over the Pass Labs and another integrated amplifier he was also auditioning.

The R series use much of the technology of the more expensive HV series but uses a superb switch mode power supply to lower the cost. The PA 2500r was amazing sounding when we had one on display it has a very purcuasive and rhtymic quality coupled with a huge soundstage.


T+A is the largest electronics manufactuer in Germany and they have the resources and raw engineering talent to create some very interetesing and very high performing gear.

The more expensive HV series integrated was compared to $120k worth of Ch Precision gear, in TAS and the reviewer Allan Taffel was having a hard time telling the difference, so the $18k PA 3000 HV integrated is one fantastic ampliifer.

The HV concept which T+A created runs solid state devices at very high rail voltages the same as tube products and the incresed voltage enbles the transistors to become more linear amplification devices reducing distortion and creating a very tube like midrange.

The T+A stuff is very powerful, with a huge sound stage, excellent transparency, but without being sterile, and the bass  is very punchy build quality is fantastic, is the the styling and feature set.

The latest T+A integraed the HV 3100 which is an improved version of the original less expensive PA 3000 integrated was compared with a $45,000 Dagasitno and the less expensive Vitus. 

The reviewer found the 3100 to combine the best of both of those companies products and the $22k T+A integrated was considered to sound as good as the twice the price D'agasitno Momentum product.


So if you are looking at a destination level integrated this is one company I would look at strongly.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ


Have you heard a T+A  product? Gryphon and T+A are competitors in Europe and there are those who have acutally compared the T+A product to the Gryphon in the case of the battle of the uber intergrateds and have chosen the T+A product which has a few advantages over the Gryphon. and the Gryphon also has a few advantages as well so it come down to a whole number of factors.

These are two of the world's best products I have nothing but respect for Gryphon and I have heard their products and they are outstanding but to make the claim that Gryphon is the best is ridiculous, they are among the best but in the case of reference grade electronics it will all come down to what you prefer in terms of looks, features, sound quality, wattage, and how it mates with your gear.

If you read the TAS review Mr. Taffel compared an older HV series integrated to $120k worth of CH Precision gear and came away very impressed up to the point that he was having difficulty determining which was which and again, $45k D'agastino piece vs $21.5K T+A integrated and boom same thing so obviously this is a brand to be reckoned with also considering they are the single largest high end brand in Germany must mean that their equipment is also extremely good.

What I find ironic is with all the positive press rave reviews in TAS, Soundstage, Positive Feedback guys like Inna aren't saying hey what about this brand too?

I would never make a statement that T+A or Gryphon is better than Dartzeel, or Vitus, or CH or Goldmund it will all come down to what you value and what you like and of course what you are exposed to, but again, if T+A equipment wasn't absolutely world class they would hardly have grown to be the size of the company that they are. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ 
Inna I would also add in our tests vs a big set of MBL, Krell MRA a $120k Krell Massive pure Class A monoblocks that were the magnum opus of Krell, a set of $90k Boulder Amps, Thrax gear and CJ gear, Devialet 400 watt Monos, the T+A also come out on top vs most of the other pieces and in some ways out performed the Boulder and in other ways the Boulder was better, but we were also comparing a $90k set of Boulder Mono blocks vs a T+A stereo amp and power supply for $32k so the T+A was at a major disadvantage.

So yes when you test T+A they are also pretty freaking amazing sounding pieces of equipment.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

Sorry Denon, the intent was not to push the product, but find out why a similar product that may be better for you is not on the discussion or even being considered?

As these two brands are more similar then dissimilar that was what is driving our curiousity. Each of these two companies is widly respected and each brings a little something else to the table.

As per trade in's many dealers give generous trade in deals. 

The Diablo 300 is definately one of the best products of its kind on the market, and you will be hard pressed to find anything which is better, different yes, better no. 

You should feel consident that you will enjoy the piece, as we said earlier these two brands are among the best sounding products on the market and both represent what we feel the best value for dollar for uber high performing gear.

Honestly if we didn't get T+A first and love the brand, we would have pursued a Gryphon dealership so if you are so convinced go get a Diablo you will not be unhappy with it it is a great piece.

We will clam up. Enjoy your Diablo.

You are making a lot of sense. The real issue is that Gryphon has been unavailabe for years therefore trying to find a person who has actually heard one is nearly impossible at least in the States, in Europe it is another matter.

As per Vitus vs Gryphon the less expensive Vitus is not in the same class, while their uper end models are more expensive for less real power even though they have very high headroom.

Personally I have always thought Vitus to be a bit dark while the Gryphon is a more balanced product. 

If the deal is good, just go for it, you will be very happy they make excellent products. 
Miketuason there is good and there is uber class gear once you hear one in this class you will be shocked at the difference.

We sell such gear and it is easy to hear a large number of improvements over more ordinary altough good brands of gear.

Dave & Troy 
Audio Doctor NJ