Upgrading audio from speakers...Help!

Hey guys, I have recently upgraded my speakers from a pair of Infinity Kappa 8's to A pair of Matched Legacy Focus. I'm going to start re-building my system from these speakers and heading back through the audio chain. Will go with room treatments since this is a dedicated stereo system room. Where do I start in the chain? I'm thinking since I have the speakers with which I'm going to build my system around I should start with acoustic treatments of the listening room. Would like some suggestions, since this will be a time consuming project, as funds permit. If you don't mind, let's go for the best bang for the buck. I don't have unlimited funds, however you can see that I might be in the audiophile price area with which your expertise is, and within my budget. I live in a very small town so being able to audition equipment is not an option. I have been relying on your expert suggestions to get me this far, and informed in the higher end of audio. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Have read the books and mags that have been suggested, and have my own thoughts on where to start. Would love some suggestions from the pros. This could be quite a long project, and if anyone is interested in helping me along my journey, with suggestions, watch a re-born audiophile blossom. Hey, if this doesn't work out, then sorry for the imposition, and maybe I've had a few too many Frosty Beverages. Hey, with yall's help previously, my wife and I have recently gotten back into vinyl and are having a ball. Thanks again everyone, and hope you don't mind me picking your brains.

Showing 2 responses by dan2112

I think before throwing acoustic treatments at the room you should do some research and understand what your room is doing for you and against you. I started with reading the book "The Master Handbook of Acoustics" by F. Alton Everest. This book really helped me get a grasp on the fundamentals of room acoustics. I have to agree with the previous post. If your sources are not up to the task of your new speakers then it won't matter what you change. As far as room acoustics go you can do a lot yourself just by understanding the room and how it interacts with your speakers. I am a big fan of a difussion.
I guess there is really no "right" way to upgrade your system. My thinking about agreeing with Alruhl was that if you start by making changes at the source and then work down you stand a better chance of hearing significant improvements along the way. If you voice your amp to the old pre-amp (which may be bright) and then replace the pre-amp with something more neutral you may think the pre-amp is at fault when really it's the amp. My comments about room acoustics should not be taken as "start here first." As a matter of fact I agree that room acoustics are very important to your setup and should be check at every step along the way. My point was to figure how much the room is contributing and how much the components are contributing. If you have a small room and the speakers seem to boom at say 80-100 Hz and the frequency directly corresponds to a room mode then it would be incorrect to assume the speakers are boomy. But if you plan to use no room acoustics then a mini-monitor may be the right way to go in order to use the room modes to your advantage. The point being do the research first and understand what you are doing. I am in the process of upgrading my system also. I am trying to pick relatively neutral components and speakers. The thought being that I can tweak the system in with cables and the final component. In my system I have a good front end (CAL Delta). I then purchased B&W N802, then a dCS Delius. Next I will replace the amps and then work on the cables and finally as a treat to myself I will add the dCS Purcell. If I didn't have a good source feeding the Delius I think I would have been less impressed. But after making those changes my amps are much happier. Better bass and imaging, etc. I can live with the system longer before having to make another change. But that's just the way it worked out in my system - yours may be different. Good luck.