Upgrading a Mission PCM7000


My system (still in boxes) to soon be placed in my theater/recroom consists of: A pair of Vandersteen Model 3A Signatures, a Vandersteen VCC 5, a pair of VSM 1s, and a 2WQ (or could be a V2W, can't remember), a Bryston 9B SST, and a SP 1.7. The problem is that I have an old Mission PCM 7000. I have WAY too many other things on the go right now, including supercharging my lifted Sierra (too many toys)so it isn't in the budget to get another player. Ultimately I will probably get a SACD multi channel unit. Am I throwing away good money after bad to upgrade my Mission...say with a clock 3? Please give me your advise as to what mods, if any you would consider with this vintage of a machine. I kills me that once upon a time I paid about $900 Canadian for that thing (it was pretty good in its day).

