Upgraded turntable - is my current setup sufficient?

After some research on table upgrades from my denon dp300 with the sumiko rainier I pulled the trigger on the Marantz TT15-S1 with included clearaudio virtuoso. Based on some threads on this forum and some others it seems that any table under $1000 wouldn't yield the kind of audible jump I wanted.

Currently I have an adcom gtp500 for the phono stage running into a rotel 1066 pre-pro and the rotel 1080 amp. Those are driving a set of cambridge soundworks tower 1 speakers.

I am hoping to hear an appreciable difference with the new marantz and virtuoso running through my current setup.

Does anyone think otherwise?

If so let me know any suggested changes and what order they should be made. I've checked the specs - the adcom amp should have no problems with the virtuoso cart. Having said that, is there a better phono stage upgrade I can make for under $500 that would be noticeable difference?

I picked up the tower 1 speakers last year for $150 bucks and I've been super happy with them. Im hoping the marantz won't underperform due to the speakers or anything else, and will provide me with the appreciable difference I am hoping for.


Showing 1 response by ihcho

I would assume your turntable is dp300f.
The Marantz turntable dwarfs rest of your components. I think the biggest bottleneck is the phono pre. Then, your speakers, and preamp, and then amp.
Your turntable and cartridge deserve at least $300 phono preamp. Your Rotel amp and Adcom preamp will be OK for a while, but you would not get 100% out of the turntable.
My suggestion is, seriously looking for better phono pre ASAP, and then save $$$$ for next speakers and amps.