Upgrade to Maggi 3.7i or Tekton Moab?

I’ve got a dilemma. The audiophile bug to continuously tweak and upgrade has got me wanting more and bigger sound out of my system. I’m currently running Maggi 1.7is with a single SVS SB2000pro, driven by Parasound A21+. What I’m finding is in my large room (20x18 with vaulted 18ft ceiling, leading into open kitchen) it just does not deliver the uumph that I am wanting when I want to "feel" the music hit me. I am debating what my next step should be when I am ready to make the jump. Should I go with a bigger Maggi (3.7i) or should I abandon planars and go with the very alive sounding Tekton line. What I have read so far is that the DI and Moab sound very alive. That I think is that sort of thing I feel is a bit thin with my present system. I am expecting to hear (fairly so) that if i want to feel music hit me in that chest, a planar speaker is not for me and I need to go with dynamic driver. That said, I do love the transparency and cohesive sound of the Maggi, so I want it all I guess? =)

Welcoming any advice or food for thought on this.

Showing 1 response by crustycoot

Prescribing a solution without a better idea of your tastes and music preferences is a common error on these pages.  Do you want more impact from acoustic live-to-2 channel ensembles (whether classical, folk or jazz) or EDM?  It makes a big difference.  Maggie 3.7is have plenty of "slam" for the former category, but not enough for the latter.  Classic rock sounds great on them too, up to a point.  Is that point enough for you?They are a whole nuther level above 1.7s, as said by others, and are a screaming value. But if you want to raise the dynamic ceiling up by a lot, you have to go with a big box big, cone area solution like the Tektons.  Also seek out an audition of McIntosh XR100s...more moolah, but in the same general design philosophy as the Tektons.  Much prettier, too.