Upgrade time way past : Amp/Pre or Int for $1000

I have been an impoverished student for the past decade. Nonetheless, during that time I tried to build a good sounding system. My primary route of acquisition was through gifts (see below) and places like Audiogon or local audio resellers. Always, my goal was to buy the best possible product I could purchase for the money that I had saved (sort of the "best athlete available" on draft day).

Unfortunately, the amount of money saved was typically not very much. Also, I purchased some products (read the sub) to fix a problem (read poor bass output) that likely was not a fault of my speakers (read not enough power from the HK 3550). This has resulted in what may be an overall motley "system", which is as follows:

KEF Reference One speakers
HK 3550 integrated amp/pre/receiver (a gift)
MSB Link DAC I modded by Modwright
Marantz DR700 or Pioneer DV656A as transport (a gift)
Paradigm PW-2200 Subwoofer
cables from Modwright in trade

In all, I spent $1500 on the above, specifically for the speakers, DAC, sub, and cables. Given that the KEFs went for $2000 when I got them, I feel I did OK.

Still, I need to get a better amplification set-up, especially in light of the fact that I really like the KEFs and they require more power than I currently have. Given that I have decided to choose lifestyle over earnings, I am resigned to never being able to make that leap to truly expensive audio equipment. Even so, I should be able to get a nice amp/pre match or integrated for between $1000 and $1500 (likely used), right?

So, the question:

What would be a good amp/preamp combo or integrated amp for the $1000-1500 price range that provides enough power for the KEFs?

Suggestions? Help? Criticism on the length of my post?

Seriously, thanks for any responses.
I recommend the Electrocompaniet ECI integrated amps. There is the ECI-3 (70W) or the ECI-4 (120W). They are superbly built and sound spectacular. They are also great as they can be used in possible future upgrades, in that unlike many integrateds, using their preouts does NOT disconnect their internal amp. Thus if you ever wanted extra power, or a biamp setup, you simply use the amplifier section of the ECI as one and another amp connected to the pre-outs.
Wow. Tons of great suggestions. I will need to research those further. I appreciate your input.

Out of curiousity, has anyone tried (or have any thoughts on) either a setup using either a hybrid integrated or a ss amp with tube pre?
If the new TAD-60 is like the Cayin TA-30, I would think that this will be a fantastic unit. I ran the Cayin TA-30 until I upgraded to the TAD-1000 and TAD-150 setup. The Cayin integrated amp sounded wonderful and I would think that any new item Paul from BizzyBee puts his hands on is also going to sound really good.

I will be very interested in hearing what people think of his new integrated amp.

Jeff Aguilar
Jeffaguilar: I just emailed Paul and he said the new product will be out in June. It is supposed to be rated at 60wpc and will have other improvements over the TA-30. It will not, though, be a Cayin branded product as apparently they have parted ways. I'm not sure what the "label" will be on the new product.

Are his products generally well regarded, independent of the Cayin connection?
His TAD-1000 mono block amps and his TAD-150 preamp are not Cayin. They have been getting VERY good reviews. There are some pretty good reviews of those items here on Audiogon.

I really like mine.
