Upgrade Time Again.... please help

OK it’s upgrade time once again. Sometime this year I will be upgrading my amps so the hunt begins. I have compiled a “short” list of amps and would like constructive feedback on what else I should consider or not consider. First my system: Front End CAL Delta (next upgrade after amps), dCS Purcell/Delius combo and two Golden Tube monoblocks (re-tubed with 6L6GC and NOS driver tubes) and B&W Nautilus 802 Speakers. I listen to mostly to Jazz, a little Rock and some Classical music. What I like about the Golden Tubes – great midrange, deep and wide soundstage with instruments precisely placed. What I don’t like – flabby bass and highs are not as airy and delicate as I would like. What I am looking for in the amp – great midrange (not syrupy or overly warm, but not dry either), extended deep very well controlled bass, and delicate extended highs that are not in the least bit bright or harsh. The amp needs to throw a wide and deep soundstage without giving up accuracy in instrument placement (no fuzz around the instruments). JA had this to say about the impedance of the Nautilus 801 in Stereophile - “(The impedance for the 801) drops to 3 ohms through the midrange and to 4 ohms in the high treble. In addition, a punishingly high capacitive phase angle in the midbass, coupled with a low magnitude, will demand a good, current-worthy amplifier.” My absolute max budget is 10K and I prefer to buy used but if need be I will by new. Here’s the list: Bryston 7BST Monoblocks, Plinius SA-250 Mk IV, (2) Plinius SA-100 Mk III, Jeff Rowland 8TIHC, Jeff Rowland 10TI, Jeff Rowland Model 12, Ayre V-1x, Mark Levinson 336, 335, 334, Lamm 2.1 Monoblocks, Lamm 1.1 Monoblocks, AR VT-200, (2) AR VT-100, and Wolcott Presence 220 Mono Blocks. I am looking for informed feedback from owners of these amps or people with a similar system. If I had to make a choice today I think I would go with Levinson, Lamm, or Rowland. Cheers – Dan.

Showing 9 responses by dan2112

Hi Snook, Yes I have looked at the Aloia. The technology looks interesting. Don't know if there are any dealers in the Bay Area, but I could not find a lot details about the inductive power supply technology. Being an EE I would like to a little research on it first. Call me a geek.
Sagger, Don't feel you have to stay within the list. If I have missed something, then please say so. Philefreak, the 802's low end impedance is similar but not identical to the 801's. I TEF'd them myself, but the chart is at home. I can give the actual numbers later, but for know please look at the impedance curve for the 801's at http://www.stereophile.com/showarchives.cgi?207:8 If I remember correctly the dip caused by the vented enclosure sits around 30 Hz on the 802 and not 20Hz like the 801. The midrange and the highs for the 802 are identical to the 801 though. – Dan
Thanks Albert. I was hoping to hear from you. I know that you own the Wolcott amps with the Soundlabs but wasn't sure if you had settled on them yet. I have also talked to Henry at length about the Wolcott. He is very nice man and he has sent me all kinds of information. There is a dealer about two hours away from me in Sacramento and he also has Soundlabs - for which this amp seems to be the perfect match. I guess with Golden Tube stuff I am little gun shy about tubes - probably unjustifiably so. I have never heard the like of the Atma-Sphere MA 1 or the Wollcot so it is hard for me to imagine that a tube amp can perform at the extremes (high and low) with a difficult impedance load like the 802. I am willing to be enlightened though - after all I did buy two SE40's. :-)
Thanks Jrt, Yes the list is quite diverse. It was compiled over the course of about a year. When I see an Amp that interests me it gets added to "The List." It is great to get the feedback from this forum and thanks for suggesting the BAT Amps - I will look at these also.
The Accuphase A50v lists for $15K and the Boulder 1060 lists for $18K acourding to the Audioreview Web page which is ussually close on the more recent stuff. Cheers - Dan.
Albert, You always have positive constructive feedback - thank you. I hope I didn't come off as being anti-tube. The Golden Tube stuff was great gear considering its price point and they have served me well over the years. But my point of view of tube amps is only from the SE40's (could be good or bad). I guess it kind of like wondering what a Mercedes-Benz is like when all you drive is a Honda Accord (please no car flames). Dan
I will certainly try to report my findings here. This leaves me with a conundrum. I wish I could just go down to my local dealers and start auditioning all these amps. But I have a hard time "wasting" a dealer's time if I know I am auditioning an amp that I can't afford new - for example Lamm. Should I start with the amps I can afford new and go from there? This was one of the reasons I was trying to narrow the list down. I think that I might drop the Plinius and the Bryston amps from the list though. As far as Krell is concerned I have heard a Krell 300C at great length through my exact setup at a local dealer (except it was a Krell Transport) and I thought the setup sounded a little dry, but it was very dynamic and the bass was excellent. While I have not heard Classe, I have had others tell me that some Classe amps tend to be warm. So now that I have a great list to start from - where do I start?
I must admit I enjoy the three dimensional sound stage that my tube amps give. But are you saying that all of the quality SS amps listed above will not give a large deep soundstage.
One more thing … Not to play the “heavy” here, but I did ask for informed opinions. Please try to explain your views for the benefit of others here. If you have a Tube vs. SS axe to grind or all you can offer is speculation then please refrain from posting. Thanks.