Upgrade suggestions for Stacked Quad ESL 57 system

Happy Holidays Everyone -

I have a quasi-Mark Levinson HQD System since 1978.

I really enjoy my stacked quad esl 57's but I am open to changing and or modifying some if not all of my components to take my system to the next level.

My other components are as follows:

- Forsell Air Force One TT with its own tonearm (very open to change)- I am very interested in a modified idler but again, I'm open to all suggestions.
- Koetsu Onyx - original version re-tipped
- 3 Bedini 25/25 1mg amps - 2 bridged mono amps for my Quads, 1 stereo amp running my Decca ribbon tweeters (I really don't want to part with the mono amps, but I am open to all suggestions)
- Mark Levinsom ML3 amplifier driving my subwoofer - (open to using a pair of subs with built in amps/crossovers)
- Convergent Audio Technologies SL1 Mk 2 Reference preamp (very open to change - I don't listen to digital sources)
- Dual Fried subs in a single transmission line enclosure
(I also have a Janis SW1 sub that is not being used)
- 1 pr. of modified Decca ribbon tweeters without horns
- Symmetry ASC1 crossover - (want to get rid of)
- Symmetry ASC2 crossover - (want to get rid of)
- Yamaha - T2 Tuner - (considering a Marantz 10B or a McIntosh MR-71, but again, am open to all suggestions)
- Stax Lambda headphones with a Stax SR-12 Energiser/Preamp (want to upgrade, but I'm a big Stax fan)
- Revox A77 Reel-to-Reel tape recorder - I enjoy my reel-to-reel
- VPI 16 Record Cleaner - (definitely needs to be replaced)
- Mark Levinson cables

I enjoy rock, jazz and large scale classical. My listening room is approximately 20 by 14 by 10.

I can allocated up to $50,000 for this project, but I am looking for the best possible sound at the most reasonable price.

I'm open to tube and solid state.

I appreciate the time you have taken to read this and look forward to your timely replies.

All the best,



Showing 1 response by gianluca

Hello Rich
do you still have your Forsell turntable?
 Thank you very much 
kind regards