My system currently consists of the following:  

1. Martin Logan 11A impression hybrid electrostatic speakers. 

2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amplifier

3. Rogue Audio RP-1 preamp

4. Lumin U2 mini transport streamer

5. Chord Qutest Dac

Happy with the sound, but on many tracks on Qoboz the sound especially on rock leaves a lot to be desired. This could be the function of the source itself (the recording) is poor. Would a better DAC yield more detail and better sound? My price limit is about $5000.00.  Not looking to buy used. Wish to work with a dealer because I have found them to be incredibly helpful. Also looking for a company that provides phone customer support. There is nothing like a conversation or a discussion to solve an issue. I understand that my view is a minority view out there. As we are in a self-service world.  But I am used to a person picking up the phone and asking how can I help you?  Any thoughts would be sincerely appreciated.  Thank you. 



@kjl1065 I used to have the Qutest with Rogue RP1, Rogue ST100’driving Martin Logan Montis. Streamer was Lumin U1 Mini. Very close to your setup. 
Qutest is amazing for the money, but…I eventually ended up moving to Benchmark DAC 3 HGC which was slightly better than the cutest in some regards but it was a bit cold and sterile in comparison. I sold the DAC 3 and got a Bricasti M3, which is a significant step up. I highly recommend the Bricasti. There are few available used now on USAM. 

I’ll add that the Brimar CV4003 tubes from Upscale Audio were very nice in the RP1. But they are not a substitute for a dac upgrade. 

You have an audio setup that will benefit greatly from good cables.
You don’t list your cables. if they are mundane cables I would upgrade cables.

You have a decent dac for your setup.

try thecableco.com for cables. They will consult and let you borrow multiple different cables to experiment for a small fee (which is applied to any purchase).