Upgrade or sell Infinity RSIIb speakers

I'm wondering if someone can help? I have the aforementioned speakers in apparently excellent condition. I haven't listened to them for about 3 years, but I will likely be able to set up a dedicated listening room next year. In anticipation of this, I started research in upgrading the wiring and active and passive x-overs of this set to maximize their capabilities. I've been told by a well respected, and seemingly very technicaly knowledgable, reviewer that I should get rid of my speakers because of their "design that just doesn't work well" and get a pair of time/phase accurate speakers like Vandersteens or Dunlavys. Now if money were no object, I would do so, but I would like a concensus, if I could get one, on what I should do. I was also planning on getting the TacT room correction unit as well. Might this unit not correct the time/phase inaccuracies of a speaker as well?

Sorry for the long post and thanks if you can help me out!
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Does anyone know how to wire the Infinity RS2B bass speakers? I have taken them out to fix the rubber surround around the speakers. The old rubber has disintegrated due to aging.

Now that I have all 4 speakers fixed, I can't remember how the wiring goes.
The best way to improve the bass in these wonderful speakers is to replace the sheet metal screws holding the woofers in place with #10-32 machine screws threaded into "tee" nuts. This only takes an hour to do.

Then completely bypass the low pass network of the internal crossover and use an active crossover and a good solid state amp (I currently use a Bryston 10B crossover and Bryston 7B NRB amps for the woofers in my RS-IIB's).

Replacing those loose banana jacks with good binding posts while you're in there certainly won't hurt.

If it's been a while since the woofers were last refoamed, you should send them to Bill Legall at MillerSound and have him do his magic as long as you have the speakers in pieces.
These are well respected speakers assuming there are as they came new.I would give a good price for a nice pair you just need a good muscle amp to drive them