Upgrade Opinions, Thorens vs VPI

I'm looking to possibly upgrade to a better turntable.

My current setup is a Thorens TD166 MKII with the original tp11 tonearm. The table has a few mods including a solid cherry plinth and birch bottom with sorbothane feet. It also came with the 10mm spindle bearing, same one used on the TD160.

Amp: Rogue audio Sphinx 
Preamp: MM preamp built into the Sphinx
Cartidge: Shure M97xe with SAS stylus
Speakers: Monitor Audio Silver 8

The components listed above are my recent upgrades. I now think my table is due for an upgrade. 

I am considering installing a Jelco SA750D tonearm on my Thorens, since the tonearm is likely the weakest performing part of the table, or going with a completely new table.

I am considering the following tables:

Rega Planar 3 (possibly not a big leap?)

Rega RP8

VPI Classic 1 

Acoustic Signature Wow XL with Rega arm.

I am leaning toward the VPI, partly because I really like its look, but I do want the best sounding table under $3000 (subjective I know). Overall, I'm pleased with the current sound from my Thorens, so maybe the best bang for my buck would be a new tonearm. Some members have claimed that a Debut Carbon will blow the doors of a TD166, but in my personal experience, it's the opposite. So I'm thinking I'd probably need to spend over 1K for a real sonic upgrade over my Thorens.

Anyone have experience with VPI tables versus Thorens TD16X series? Any advice is welcome.

Showing 2 responses by oleschool

I have a classic 1 10"jmw earlier model .I love it,ditched the feet and run 2" audiopoints ,cple grand you can find one no sweat.
good luck 
I have a classic 1 front motor jmw memorial 10" its a great table in the 2 k used range .. the sds is a great upgrade also .. i have had a few carts .  Benz , dyna denon etc nothing major but i am going to try the at art9  next it gets killer reviews and supposedly punches waaay above its 1g range . Rare in U.S ... i run no mat and 2" audiopoints. Acoustic zen reference 2 to my mf mxvynl the az ref 2 to pre .. epic nah ... but alot of bang for the buck .. also a origin belt upgrade i hear is a plus .. do a search for audio tecnica art9  there are a few ,Oregon papa has a good one . Next level upgrade for  my tt would be a the upgraded prime or the transfi tt ( crazy cool for the 3500 range ) jmho there are many option .. but imo go used for tt or phono . Cart new 