Upgrade of the Analog Side

Right now I have a MMF-7 I bought used with a Goldring 1042 cart. I also have a VPI 16.5 cleaner, and a Mac C32 preamp (I am using the integral phono preamp). I am ready to move up and am prepared to drop some coin. First I need a phono stage. I have looked at the Lounge as a first stop. I don’t have any real feelings about the replacement table or cartridge. Based on my experience with the record cleaner and the comments here I am really interested in a VPI turntable. I have always liked the Ortofon Cartridges.

I have my C32 connected to a Spectron power amp and a pair of Polk Audio LSI 15’s.

I liseten ten to jazz, rock, blues, country, and classical in that order.

The closest audio store to my house is about 150 miles.

Any advise for a solid state guy???

Did a cart deal with referenceanalog about a month or so ago.  Highly recommended!
Thanks. Work has me under the gun. I got everything plugged together Yesterday and had some issues. I may be changing direction.

I didn't know who sent that message.  sorry.
I think your on the right path in regards to the VPI and ortofon. As for the phono stage, there are literally tons of options. Without you narrowing down how much your actually wanting to spend and what you as looking for in sound it’s difficult to help. It would also be useful to know the rest of the system this will be going with.

i sent you a message though the PM system. If you would like to call I can maybe help you out a little easier.  
