Upgrade my Theta or move on?

Need advice on which seems smarter at this point.I currently own a casablanca 1(basic DACS)and am thinking of either upgrading to CAS 3 or looking at the anthem 30 or the EAD.Upgrade on the CAS is mighty steep!Would like to keep cost below 4K.Can upgrade to the 3 for 3K but to get the better DACS (extreme dacs) it's 3K more. Any idea's?I listen to 60% music,40%HT.Thanks
MY System
aragon amps-3002&3005
Mirage speakers(3si)fronts,Mccsi-center,OMR2-rears&BPSS210 Sub
Pioneer elite59 DVD
Cardas cables
Didactically-Let me explain my amp set up.I had been using the 3002 with a acurus 200x3.I then got the 3005 and planned to set up my Casablanca in a 7.1 setup(300x7)Hope this makes sense.I mentioned both amps because i planned the upgrade.I must admit my lack of knowledge has kept me from posting on this forum for a long time.I could use your advice and hope to hear from you.
I see, if youve got em... just be careful. It is serious over-kill. You probably only need 50wpc, 100 at most if the drivers are grossly inefficient. At 50 that is 350w total, while the 3005 = 2100w (gulp).

My advise is to check out the Surround Sound link at http://www.linkwitzlab.com which is valuable resource for truth in all things audio.

There some interesting papers at the LINKS link as well.
Upgrade. I upgraded my I up III with 2 extreme dacs. Sounded pretty good. But then downloaded some new Theta software for the DACs, absolutely amazing. But I sure wish Theta would be more customer friendly.
I was in pretty much exactly the same boat--I had a Casa I with basic DACs looking at about $8K for an upgrade. In my case, I ended up realizing that most of what I listened to was 2 channel anyway--I had no center (Casa set to phantom center) and rarely turned on the VT60 powering my rear speakers. At the same time, the idea of decluttering my living room (rear speakers) appealed... so...

I ended up picking up a dCS Purcell and Delius... Thought I could run 'em w/o a preamp, but ended up losing some slam, so I dropped in a pre from another setup. Although I'm still working out some kinks, I'm *much* happier...
I did upgrade.Sent my unit to theta on 11/11.I DID EXTREMES in the fronts LRC/sub and moved my standards to the rears.Just got the unit back on 1/4/05 and all i can say is WOW!Sounds like i have a new system!Now looking for cables since i now need balanced for fronts.Any ideas?What fun using all these settings!-Kevin