Upgrade my amp again

Hi. For some reason, I am not able to reply directly to the thread below. But in response:
Well this is all really interesting. (To Rich, no the row house system is distinct, and I will definitely use mini monitors there.). As for the PSB's in this other room, this is really interesting advice. I had never had floor standers, and was really seduced by the reviews, but maybe it isn't the right speaker for the space. (I am new to this.) To Phaelon, do you mean the Totem Model 1 Signature? What amp would you put with them? And is the general issue about right amp for a speaker about the ratio (ie double the watts at 4 ohms) or is there an absolute number? Ie: ideally you would like 80 watts for a 4 ohm speaker? Thanks again!

Showing 1 response by english210

I hate to add confusion, but the wattage ratings are only part of the story. I recently replaced a 150 watt amp with a different 150 amp (inefficient speakers in a bigger room). The difference was immense! The power delivery, control, and even volume was hugely increased. My point is only that the watt-per-channel number doesn't tell the whole story on whether an amp can drive your speakers properly, and the speakers MAY only be highlighting the amp deficiencies(?)