Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table

I would like to get back into vinyl after an approx. 17 year absence. I have a Linn LP 12 that I bought in 1983 which I used for 15 years and then put into storage. I never got rid of my vinyl. So my question is : Do I upgrade my LP 12 to the tune of three to four thousand dollars or do I spend the same amount on a new turntable and sell the LP 12?  Everyone's two cents worth would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

Showing 1 response by rzado


First, kudos on a nice, well balanced system.  I recommend you do some demos of the latest version of the Linn LP12 with all the PS upgrades against other tables if you can, but if pushed, my recommendation would be to replace the Linn.  Assuming you can sell you current Linn LP12 for $1k used, for $4-6k (i.e., sale price plus the price to upgrade), you can buy a table that will substantially outperform the Linn. If you are inclined in that direction, I am happy to supplement my post with particular suggestions.

Best of luck.