Upgrade Linn LP 12 or buy new table

I would like to get back into vinyl after an approx. 17 year absence. I have a Linn LP 12 that I bought in 1983 which I used for 15 years and then put into storage. I never got rid of my vinyl. So my question is : Do I upgrade my LP 12 to the tune of three to four thousand dollars or do I spend the same amount on a new turntable and sell the LP 12?  Everyone's two cents worth would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

Showing 1 response by djfst

I may be selling my 8 month-old VPI Prime.  Deciding whether to trade it in to a dealer or sell it privately.  If you interested, feel free to message me.  For the price, the Prime would be tough to beat.  I haven't heard of a Prime owner that hasn't loved it.  However, there are always other options out there that you may want to explore.   Can't comment on any other tables as I haven't auditioned many others than VPI tables.