Upgrade Interconnects for Spectral System

I am looking to upgrade my decades old MIT MI-350 Twin interconnects on my all Spectral system (SDR4000SL, DMC 30SC, and MA-240 amp. My speakers are connected with Spectral Ultralinear 770 Series Two.

Is the MIT EVO  2c3D series a good candidate? Do these need the speaker cables to be the same? How does one match impedance?


You are best off with the cables customized for Spectral. Reselling with be slower than with MIT Cables, but if you choose Spectrals best, you won't need to change for a very long time  :)  Mit's customizing for Spectral goes back a very long time, very successful  :)

Regarding impedance. These values are given in the equipment specs but a quick call to MIT or Joe Abrams or Spectral should get a quick answer for you. I have also found Goodwin's High End people very knowledgable and helpful regarding Spectral and MIT. I think the EVO 2C3D would be terrific, and no, you don't need matching speaker cables, yours are excellent.