Upgrade from my internal Primaluna phono stage... Audio Alchemy PPA-1? What else?

So I am currently using the built in phono stage in my Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated (along with an Audio Interface CTS-80 SUT). The other gear is a VPI Classic 2 w/ 3D arm, Dynavector DV20X w/ Soundsmith Ruby retip, Devore Gibbon Super 8s. Musical taste is all over the place but is generally 60's to 80's underground rock, soul/funk, jazz, reggae. Not really any Classical or much modern stuff.

The Primaluna phono stage is better than I thought it might be but not sure just how good as I haven't heard this amp with anything else. Can't really tell how far I need to go to get a noticeable improvement. Can't really spend more than $1k if that (really should be less), but am happy to buy used gear.

Anyone else have the Primaluna phono board and upgraded? How much better can I do for under $1k?
Been scanning the ads here and the other usual places and doing plenty of research but I just keep going in circles. Too many options and no clear winner. Hopefully you guys can help narrow things down with experience with some of the same particular gear I am using.

I like tubes but don't feel it is 100% necessary as I have tubes in the rest of the path. I like the idea of MC capable especially with loading options but I have a quality SUT so it is also not necessary. A small chassis is nice as space is limited but a full size component is ok if it isn't too tall. No space for some big Audio Research type piece of gear. I am in NYC and in a 100 year old house with some wacky wiring so a good power supply and noise rejection is a plus, too.

I am Intrigued by the Audio Alchemy PPA-1 since Audio Advisor has them on sale for $799 ($1795 MSRP) but there is surprisingly little info on them out there beyond a positive Michael Fremer review and some other passing mentions which are also all positive. Seems odd for something that appears to have been out for a couple years now. Anyone actually have one or at least heard it? What else should I be looking at?

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There is no way I would get away from tubes, because you can change, or upgrade in unbelievable ways by simply getting new and different tubes.

I took my tube phono to another level with NOS Telefunkin tubes.
There is no way I would get away from tubes, because you can change, or upgrade in unbelievable ways by simply getting new and different tubes.

I took my tube phono to another level with NOS Telefunkin tubes.

Yeah, I am no stranger to tube rolling. I might end up back with a tube phono stage at some point but I am fine trying something else for now for a couple reasons. One is that most of the tube stages I have been eyeing are on the bigger/bulkier side of things and I don't really have the room (or the desire to start that fight with my wife). Another being it is hot as hell in my house and will be for a few more months. I need to turn the loud window unit AC off to listen to music and the room already starts to noticeably heat up after the PL is on for 20-30 minutes so I am not dying to add more hot tubes in the room. Though a couple more pre tubes wouldn't be as bad as the 10 in my PL.Also there just seem to be a huge amount of SS options these days that people really love for the money. Not quite as many tube options under $1k that I feel would be a definite improvement and I don't have time to build a kit. But if a good deal on a second hand PH16, Croft or Hagerman came my way I wouldn't hesitate to try it. Just didn't find any in the past few weeks of looking.
I do have a nice assortment of 12au7's,12ax7's and some 6dj8 types so I am ready if I do go that route eventually.
have the same preamp. if its within your budget, would suggest the EAR 834P, or for a little less, the Clone of the EAR which is a direct copy.

how would the audio PPA-1 stack up to the Phenomona II+? Price difference

have a Dual CS 5000 TT with a
grado stylus and a Hegel 160 integrated amp. Thank you.