Upgrade Esoteric K03XD to K01XD?


I have an Esoteric K03XD which I have had for a couple of years and I am considering upgrading it to a K01XD.  I play some CDs but I mostly stream now.  I would be grateful for any feedback from people who have made this upgrade.  Was there a useful increase in sound quality?  How would you describe it please?

Many thanks.


Showing 1 response by gregm

Or you can get a simple CD transport for that purpose, hooked up to the N-01XD via AES/EBU or S/PDIF. 

I second that thought emphatically.

Good transports are still available, including esoteric's own under the TEAC brand name. Just get a used TEAC -- or a pro-ject if you insist on new! Regards