upgrade emm labs preamp or speaker???

I am really enjoying my system of emm labs cdsd transport and emm labs dcc2se transport with a dartzeel amplifier and the recently acquired wonderful evolution acoustic mm2 speaker. I have a dedicated listening room so all is great there. I am happy with my cabling purist and audience.

The speaker is upgradeable to mm3 which adds an additional powered woofer to each speaker.

The preamp is emm labs dcc2se which is also the dac.

I cannot afford the dartzeel preamp...maybe audio research 3

Showing 2 responses by karmapolice

The question is whether to stick with the emm labs preamp or find something else even more transparent if worth the $ or leave that be and get the additional powered woofer to add to the mm2 making it a mm3 with two powered woofers per speaker ....room is avg. Size so am not sure a second woofer is needed but most people have mm3 not mm2

I am especially interested in opinions of emm labs users former or present dartzeel amp users and evolution acoustic users!

thanks for your input.....you got some great equipment there and a wonderful view from your home. I can't afford the mbl preamp even used (not much less than the dartzeel preamp). Did you hear the Audio Research Ref 3 or the Ayre K1xe?