Upgrade cartridge or turntable?

I have a Rega Planar 3 turntable with an Ortofon Blue cartridge which has served me well. I’ve had them both now for two years and am around the 1000 hr mark which in itself draws debate.  I’m looking for opinions on either a cartridge upgrade, or a turntable.  Can go to 2000 for TT, also considering MC cartridge which would involve a new phonostage.  Let’s hear it.

Showing 2 responses by chakster

I have a Rega Planar 3 turntable with an Ortofon Blue cartridge which has served me well. I’ve had them both now for two years and am around the 1000 hr mark which in itself draws debate.  

Actually if your elliptical stylus has been in used for more than 1000 hrs then you've been listening records with a worn needle for some time (at least for 400 hrs). Upgrade your 2M Blue with a stylus from higher model in this series such as Black or Bronze, get a stylus with better profile (Shibata or Line Contact) and it will be a significant upgrade at the lowest possible cost in your situation.   

I’m looking for opinions on either a cartridge upgrade, or a turntable.  Can go to 2000 for TT, also considering MC cartridge which would involve a new phonostage.  Let’s hear it.

Do both. It is more fun. With $2000 for a TT you'd better look for new Direct Drive Technics SL1200GR or some killer vintage direct drive turntables. 

Honestly, why would anyone consider upgrading a cartridge on a P3 if it’s nearly mechanically impossible (due to flawed table design) to set up the cart properly????
This is why he could upgrade only the stylus, but the cartridge was sold with this arm/turntable, no need to adjust anything.

In my opinion Rega turntable is a cheap plastic toy with a belt. My strong advice is upgrade to Technics direct drive, SL1200GR is under $2k new with warranty and slightly cheaper if used. Same Ortofon 2M can be used and properly adjusted on Technics tonearm like any other mid compliance MM/MI or MC in general.