Updating my streamer

I am looking to update my steamer from Bluesound Node - I am very happy with the sound my turntable and my analog set up and would like to update my digital sound.  I do not have a stand alone DAC so any streamer will need a built in one due to space constraints.  

Current system:

PrimaLuna Evo 300 integrated amp (currently using KT120 tubes)

Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers


So far have looked at the Aurender A200 and HiFi Rose units.

Thanks for any help/suggestions.  


I have a 432 EVO High-End. When I first came across their website I was fascinated with the company's approach to frequency, however, the computer aesthetic of the hardware itself didn't appeal to me. I did end up buying a roon Nucleus.. not that different, in some ways. I learned to appreciate the set it up and forget nature of the Nucleus. The EVO has that going for it too. It just disappears in my cabinet. I have my amp and my iPad to satisfy my tactile needs. There is no wireless which may be a dealbreaker for some. It sounds fantastic. I'll leave it to others to compare against other higher end streamers - it's a big step up from my Nucleus and the other streamers I've owned.

If the A 200 is anything like the N 200 in quality, you’ll love it! 

All the best.

Hello everyone - thank you all for all the suggestions - just to add more info - my budget is around 5-6k or so.  The Node I have is about a year old.  I typically my steamer to play Tidal using Tidal connect - I have used the BluOS app but typically Tidal connect is my preferred use.  I know Aurender is adding Tidal connect soon - I do not have a digital library at this point.  Just streaming and vinyl.

I'm going to suggest another option here...the Eversolo A8.  It's a streamer DAC and can be used as a preamp as well   I had a node 2i I was using it as just a streamer going into my Hegal H90 integrated and the A8 is simply in a different league.  It is uses akms latest chipset.  It is very smooth but still has lots of detail with a wide and deep soundstage.  There is just something right about the sound...I always feel I'm getting every bit of information in the recording.  Highly recommended.

Guys here is another  endorsement on the 432evo servers:




Hi jmphotography,


I would recommend demoi’ng the 432 EVO AEON server which I just upgraded to (from Innuos Zen MK3):


  • Bottom line- this all aroused my curiosity and I contacted Audio Doctor for a trial.
  • My mind was made up on day one - the Aeon was better than the Zen MK3 in every aspect, including the quality of CD rips. It has a higher quality ripper which takes 12 minutes per CD to rip, and when I tested it with my 007 Spy Who Loved Me soundtrack CD, which was recorded poorly, the results were better than with the Zen ripper (not to mention the audio quality). I suddenly heard things on that CD rip that I never heard before. Dynamics were superior.
  • Crucially, the Aeon has inbuilt re-clocking technology, which Innuos offers only at the Statement level...as well as a superior dedicated USB output, so that was another steal. The results of that are very evident in the unit's audio quality. It is definitely a step up from the Zen (and according to audiophiles who have owned the Zenith MK3, a step up from Zenith as well if using the USB output- actually they say it is competitive with either the Statement or the Zenith + Phoenix combo). Price before state tax is $7800. This official reviewer for example suggests at the very end the Aeon is better than the Zenith: https://topnewreview.com/432-evo-aeon-review/


What really tipped the scales for me were the following factors:


  • The AEON is "upgradeable"- what this means is that if one day you wish to upgrade to the $16,000 AEON Master (which people are saying is almost as good as the Taiko Extreme), then all you would have to do is send your AEON unit to the manufacturer, and pay shipping plus the original cost difference between your AEON and the Master. So overall, the AEON is, in my opinion, a better investment because Innuos does not offer anything like that. If you wanted a Statement today, you would first have to sell you Zenith on the used market for less than the value you got it for.
  • More importantly, its CPU is powerful enough (in fact, purpose built) to run Roon Core just like Antipodes and other renowned Roon core streamers (as you know, for Innuos, the units below the Statement have an "iffy" record with being run as Roon cores, including with regard to sound degradation), and also, uniquely, for EVO 432, if you are into Tidal MQA, then an MQA-capable DAC is not necessary because the company has developed proprietary upsampling technology to handle the second MQA unfold (roon does the first MQA unfold)- read here: https://www.facebook.com/432evo/posts/breaking-no-mqa-dac-required-for-432-evo-customers432-evo-customers-can-now-enjo/1837522899612468/
  • The AEON is also tuneable (similar in a sense to other components' DSP functionality); it comes with 2TB standard vs Innous 1TB; and comes in a greater range of models to better accommodate clients- there are two models below the AEON at 3k and 4k. More here: https://432evo.be/index.php/432-evo-aeon-music-server/


The rest is history. I am expecting my AEON unit to be delivered very soon (each unit is custom/purpose built). My humble advice is to demo this unit and find out for yourself.




Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

432evo dealers