Updating my preamp.Frustrating..You Bet

Well its been over a month since I went on a mission to ,not only update ,but change from a SS preamp to a tube model.I thought I was ready..narrowed it down to 3 or 4 models..price range picked 2000-4000..had my wife convinced
that life would not be worth living without a decent tube preamp and off I went thinking the worst was behind me.
I'm in information overload and having nightmares about buying the wrong preamp ,only to have a better ,more transparent, more sonically pleasing beats other preamps 10x the price model appear out of nowhere.
I know you should let your ears do the buying but has anyone heard of a shop that has all preamps know to man?
Reviews,have you ever heard of a bad one?
Are smaller companies..ie Blue Circle..Opera..Reflection..Supratek,(spelling) know to make superior products?
In the 2000-4000 price range can I really go wrong.Everything has got to sound good ,for that kind of money.
I am very isolated therefore chances of auditioning numerous
preamps are slim to none.
I need direction and suggestions.The sooner the better.

Showing 1 response by cbird1

I have to chime in with the sanity pleas. I know that I lost some hair looking for my last pre-amp. I got a great deal on a Melos MAR 333-which runs balanced or single ended and can be had with a great phono section..the R in MAR means that its been to MElos Audio Restoration and has been updated with a new linestage-no more mosfets, just wired point to point. george Wright makes some great pre amps and great phono stages-www.thewright-sound.com-and i have to chime in on the excellence of atmasphere and joule pre-amps. Some rooting out may be done by your choice of running balanced or single ended, remote or not etc. If you find yourself in the middle of a demo and you realize you forgot what you were listening for and are just listening-that's the one.

