Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


I'm with andysf on this one.  I wished Ron a speedy recovery for him and his family and also suggested that he seek out the medical professionals who have years of education and experience in dealing with infectious diseases for their advice.  I am also assuming that he and his eligible family members did not get the vaccines because that would've been the second thing out of his mouth, right after "We've been sick".  Giving so much information about the status of himself and his family but conspicuously leaving out any mention of vaccinations is a glaring omission that I'm sure no one missed.  His conscious decision to put his family in unnecessary jeopardy with all of the evidence staring him in the face every day proving that vaccines are safe, effective and offer the best chance of keeping you/your family/those around you alive and out of the ICU makes me less likely to want to take any advice from him on lesser matters, like audio. 

Any vaccine used in the past, correct me if I'm wrong (🙄) required one shot.

Some childhood vaccinations require one shot to help the body build a defense. Other vaccinations have to be repeated so the body can maintain a defense (cholera, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, etc.). My job/career requires me to carry the infamous yellow International Certificate of Vaccination issued by the WHO. I have received all these vaccines multiple times over the years. I have to admit the rabies vaccine (2 shots) was the worst. That one really hurt. Covid is just another vaccine on the yellow card to me. 

isochronism, very sorry if you can't keep up current events and progress, but that's on you. The ACA was never officially called Obamacare - that was a term that was meant to be derogatory but ended up to be an alternate reference by both supporters and nonsupporters. Whatever you call it, it is very popular in the US and you benefit from it yourself if you are a citizen, whether you realize it or not.  And, as no surprise to most people, viruses mutate and medical information/treatment protocols change and become more refined as more data is available.  So tired of the "I just don't know what to think" crowd who still want to pull out the mask recommendations from 2 years ago, or want to "agree to disagree" about undeniable truths and facts.  Keep up, do your research from official sources (and so you know, Facebook is not an official source) and stop being so lazy.  Now, back to debating the merits of cable risers and audiophile fuses.

bikerbw, I don't blame you for not reading every word of all five pages. Although, I previously stated that I've never so much at looked at Facebook once, no thanks. I made that statement because of being accused of recieving my info hence opinion from there. So here I go again. It is funny that those on either side are so fully sure they are correct. Obviously some are fully wrong. Research both sides well. Go with the one that make's sense. Good luck.

"Stop being so lazy". Actually, lazy is sitting on the  couch, with remote in hand, switching news program to news program. I dumped TV well over a decade ago. No 🍕 and 🍺 either. 😄👍