Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 4 responses by pcc67

Why is there so much hate here?  Are people hating because other people have different opinions?   Who cares, really who the hell cares if opinions are different, why is this a problem.   Where do any of you get off thinking that your opinion is anymore important than anyone else?   Your opinion means everything to you just like there opinion means everything to them.  What a bunch of inconsiderate.   aholes.   Really sick of the you better think like me or I will bring on the hate.  You are very ugly people.  Here is an idea, grow up and try to respect others.  Stop thinking your opinion is the only opinion.  Do I want to post this, yeah and I don't give a f.  

I don't trust our government.   Maybe it came from over 30 yrs working for them.   Like I said its not a left or right thing.  

Arch2, who cares what people believe.  At what point did we determine that we had to control what people believe.   Facts are not even facts anymore.  You don't believe me, go talk to LGBT and convince them there is only 2 genders.   As far as how well the shot works, I don't know.  So far I'm not impressed.  My daughters friend is double Vax and went into the emergency room last week with covid because he can't breath, so they have him on oxygen.   My buddies friend is 59 and double Vax he got the vid 4 weeks ago and was told he would be on oxygen for life.  My tenant who is Vax, just sent me a text today sending me a FYI stating he has the vid.  So I would like to believe the Vax is working and I'm not an anti Vax, but the facts that I'm personally hearing about are not very positive.   I want to believe in the Vax and I'm know covid is real.  But I don't have that much confidence in the Vax from what I seeing.  Most my friends are vaxed and many have had covid.  I don't think 10 months with the Vax is enough to say it's the savior.   Truth be known there probably better Vaxs out there from other countries.  I don't trust government whether it's left or right.  So if people are skeptical I understand why and I won't judge them like so many have.  Most importantly I believe in freedom of choice, no matter the subject.  The facts are the government is over reaching with everything.  

Tony your reading skills suck, I'm sure they are directly related to your personality.   I stated I am not anti Vax.  But your to busy doing the best you can to disrespect people.  Your great personality shining thru.  Now I understand  why you don't know anyone with covid, because you have no friends.   If most people don't know anyone who got covid than why get Vax?  Your quote not mine.  I personally know about 20 people who had covid plus a friend of mine who died last year so I don't deny it exist.