Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Showing 6 responses by arch2

@tinear123 any idea on how severe their breakthrough symptoms are after receiving the vaccines?

@pcc67 it’s not alternate opinions that are the probelm, it’s the alternate facts. For some reason many people are going to believe what aunt jenny sent them over facebook versus reliable sources. Tell me what I want to hear, so I can belive what I want.

pcc67 people can believe whatever they want (what do I care?) but a lot of those people are basing their beliefs on questionable information from questionable sources. That doesnt seem like a good way to come to conclusions though. I only know one person who has contracted covid after their vaccination, and those symptoms were minor. So who's right? Well, that's why I rely on statistical data from reliable sources. Not aunt Jenny's post on Facebook. Nor what Aunt Jenny heard from her hairdresser about a nurse she knows. God bless aunt Jenny but she tends to beilieve questionable "facts." I'll still have her over for thanksgiving. She's a lot of fun to be with. And I'll be playing festive music on my new (to me) Dynaudio C1's that I'm still not convinced are keepers. Fantastic bass but I feel the mids are a bit veiled, but hey, that's just what I believe. Others who own them believe otherwise. But my opinion is based on the fact I owne these speakers, and listen to them in my room with my equipment. 

"Internet is totally destructive but also could be totally redemptive... It depend how we use it and who control it..."

Funny cat videos, idiots in cars compilations, and stereo discussions only. That's my solution. Ok, home theater discussions too.

Congratulations guys! Everyone is now convinced to your way of thinking. It's been a complete success and the argument hasn't been futile. Well done all! Now that we all have changed our positions and now agree could you please discuss politics? Hop on to religion when you're done with that. Much appreciated.