Upcoming plasma 1080p tv's vs Sony SXRD LoCS?

Hi everyone,
I recently read that the plasma tv manufacturers will be introducing new 1080p models latter this year, or early next year.
I am especially interested in the upcoming Pioneer and Panasonic 1080p plasma displays.
I love the slim profile and sexiness of a flat panel display such as a plasma, but I still feel that the Sony SXRD LoCS rear projection tv's still surpass them in overall video quality and video detail resolution.
I was extremely interested in the future SED tv's, but read with great disappointment that they will be delayed until 2008! I am beginning to wonder if they will EVER be available?
What do you all feel the video quality will be like on the new 1080p plasma displays?
Do you all feel thats there is any chance that the 1080p plasmas could equal or surpass the Sony SXRD rptv's in overall video quality?
Any comments on this and/or the SED tv delay would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by drubin

I've heard many people say that HD on a CRT is the best, but I've never seen it be so. To me, regardless of black levels and various digital artifacts that may occur, the color on a properly set-up plasma display has depth and the kind of warm, rich, natural and organic qualities of real life that drive so many audiophiles to tube amplification. Plasma is to video displays as tubes are to audio amplifiers. YMMV.

Of course, I've never seen an SXRD outside of a Circuit City or a Sony Style store, neither of which bother to set them up properly. (If the Sony Style stores would set their displays up correctly, I bet the stuff would fly out of the warehouse. What can they be thinking?)
Hey Lanny, what are you apologizing for? This discussion is good and useful even though -- or perhaps because --it's a little heated.

When you start a thread on Audiogon, you need to be prepared for whatever to happen, especially that people will disagree with your point of view. The nature of the beast!
