Upcoming plasma 1080p tv's vs Sony SXRD LoCS?

Hi everyone,
I recently read that the plasma tv manufacturers will be introducing new 1080p models latter this year, or early next year.
I am especially interested in the upcoming Pioneer and Panasonic 1080p plasma displays.
I love the slim profile and sexiness of a flat panel display such as a plasma, but I still feel that the Sony SXRD LoCS rear projection tv's still surpass them in overall video quality and video detail resolution.
I was extremely interested in the future SED tv's, but read with great disappointment that they will be delayed until 2008! I am beginning to wonder if they will EVER be available?
What do you all feel the video quality will be like on the new 1080p plasma displays?
Do you all feel thats there is any chance that the 1080p plasmas could equal or surpass the Sony SXRD rptv's in overall video quality?
Any comments on this and/or the SED tv delay would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 5 responses by audio_girl

I still have to say that IMHO, and to my eyes, my Sony SXRD RPTV is head and shoulders above all plasma and LCD displays that I have viewed and I have viewed them all.
And CRT tubes do have a MUCH better contrast ratio and black levels than any plasma I have saw.
Plasmas do have a better picture than LCD's, and they do have alot of potential, but I still feel their images are lacking in some ways.
[I also own a 36" direct view crt hd Sony tv].
I guess disagreement is a good thing?
Hi guys,
Not trying to stir up anything, but I have to agree with daltonlanny on this one.
The current breed of 720p plasmas video images simply DO NOT compare with the Sony SXRD 1080p RPTV's overall picture.
The resolution of the Sonys picture is a leap ahead of them.
A few months ago I purchased a Sony 60" SXRD LoCS after extensively comparing all the available technolgies, including ALL of the top plasmas. I had no bias toward any particular brand or display technology before hand.
I kept going back to the Sonys amazing resolution and detail.
A couple of them may have done one or two things equally well or slightly better than the Sony, but the Sony was overall the best of the bunch.
The reviewers also seem to agree with me on this one.
I am anxious as well to check out the new breed of 1080p plasmas when they do become available in the US later this year!
PS- SED is probably stillborn already.
The Sony SXRD LoCS rptv's:
1. Won Sound and Visions product of the year and Editors Choice Award for 2005. The HP unit was also tested by Sound and Vision in 2005. [The Sony is NOT a DLP rptv set...it is a LoCS rptv set]. Two different technologies.
2. Won the 1080p rear projection face-off in Home Theater Magazine which also included the HP unit in the face off.
3. Received C-Net's highest rating of any type of video display they have ever tested, including DLP, LCD, Plasma, and even CRT sets.
4. Read Michael Fremer's review in Ultimate A/V magazine.
5. Audio Video Revolution said the Sony SXRD "It seems impossible to find a better looking picture at this price point" and "looks significantly better and brighter than any other television in its price range."
6. ETC., ETC.
Hey guys,
Check out Randy Tomlinson's review of the Sony KDS-R60XBR1 60" SXRD RPTV in the December 2005 issue of The Perfect Vision.
He compares it with his reference 55" Hitachi plasma display.
Compared to the Hitachi plasma, the Sony SXRD had "flesh tones were more believable and hard to fault on the Sony. Resolution, too, was an easy Sony win." "The Sony also had less video noise and a smoother, more film like picture at close viewing distances. Up close the plasma exhibited a bit of the screen door effect." He also said the black levels were much better on the Sony.
He said that the plasma did hold the edge in the "you are there" illusion at first, but raising the GAMMA CORRECTION control a notch on the Sony made them EQUAL in this regard.
His conclusion:
"the KDS-R60XBR1 will give you a better overall picture and longer life [and with no screen-burn potential] than ANY plasma now available, and for less money. Rear projection sets produced up to this point--move to the rear, SXRD has set a new standard."
Interesting review.
Glad to know that someone else agrees with my conclusions.
Again, MY eyes tell ME that SXRD is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above plasma.
Again, I have extensively compared all the plasmas including the $9000.00 Pioneer to the SXRD and to me the SXRD is simply more realistic looking to me and my eyes.
The skin tones on the SXRD DO LOOK more natural to ME as well.
To each his own, I guess.
Another thing that I do not like about plasma tv's is the horrendous screen glare/reflections when viewing them in a lighted environment. That was a real deal breaker for me.
If you can only enjoy a display in darkness or in near darkness without worrying about screen glare, its not for me.
My SXRD has no screen glare at all. Maybe some SSE, but not glare/reflections in the daytime, which is way more annoying to me.
Randy Tomlinson is not just a AVS Forum member, he is also a professional independent ISF calibrator in the Atlanta area at advancedtechservice.com.
I know a few people who had Randy calibrate their sets and they said he did an outstanding job on them.
They also said he went out of his way to adjust other things on their sets besides just a ISF calibration, such as focus, convergence, gamma, etc., etc.
One final thing:
In a display technology shootout in extremetech.com, Raymond Soneira did an extensive shootout between all the current technologies including CRT, plasma, lcd, DLP rptv, lcd rptv, and LoCS rptv, and found that LoCS was the overall superior display technology.
He also said that LoCS was the ONLY display device currently available that could do 4096 x 2160 resolution in prototype demonstrations by Sony and JVC.
You can keep prasing plasmas over and over, but my own personal opinion stands and is not swayed at all.